E-Mails Received from Fr. Hart Tonight
Friday, August 26, 2022 at 10:41PM
Embryo Parson in Fr. Robert Hart, Liberal-leftism, The Hart Brothers

Update, 8/27 - the plot thickens?  E-mail No. 3:

"Name: Fr. Hart

Your Email: _____ @_.com

Subject: Another one more thing

Message: My Ordinary is Archbishop Haverland, Metropolitan of the ACC. I also received very supportive word yesterday from Bishop Chad Jones, Archbishop of the APA, who has launched an inquiry into what you did to me. Brother: I am not not the one in hot water. Whatever your problem is with me, you had better sort it out for your own sake. My standing is good, excellent in fact. But you are now on the fringe."



I just received these two emails:

"Name: Fr. Hart

Your Email: _____ @_.com

Subject: Identify yourself

Message: Inasmuch as you have committed slander against an ACC priest in good standing, I ask for you to stop hiding behind a pseudonym and identify yourself. If you are a priest it is up to your bishop to censure your behavior. Such slanderous posts as that trash by you is utterly sinful. Some bishops are aware of the post, and one launched an inquiry to find out who you are.  You are currently on thin ice. Your public conduct is a slander and a disgrace. It is necessary for you to post a retraction and make a public apology to me. The rest is for your bishop to decide. Probably you should be suspended from active ministry for a time. But that is his call."

"Name: Fr. Hart

Your Email:_____ @_.com

Subject: One more thing

Message: Your slanderous post had better be removed from your blog now if it’s still up. You’re in enough trouble as it is. By the way; nobody with any moral character uses the stupid term “Trump Derangement Syndrome” anymore; no one with any sense of right and wrong could be foolish enough to still be using it. Now remove your slanderous post. Then post the retraction and apology. It will be better for you to do it prior to being compelled to do what’s right."

As I said in a comment at that post, the irony is rich.  Absolute la-la land.  A sad case indeed.

Anyone who spends just a little time and energy poking around my blog a bit will find my name and the jurisdiction in which I serve.  If it is true that some unnamed bishop has "launched in inquiry" into me, which I doubt, I challenge him to chime in here publicly and comment on the screenshots I have posted from Mr. Hart's Facebook page, and then explain to us all whether he has been admonished to tone down his unchristian public rhetoric, and if he has been so admonished why he isn't under discipline.  This SHOULD be an internal ACC matter, but since Fr. Hart has long been behaving  like this online, it's time to force the issue publicly.

8/27 Update -   Commenting in a Facebook discussion in which I am involved, a Contining Anglican bishop concurs:

"I gave up on that hate-filled narcissist ages ago. His rants and rage are an obsession, and his damage to the image of the ACC is shameful. . . . Nowhere in most of his writings can you sense the love of Christ; just the anger of a bitter and sad man."

Article originally appeared on theoldjamestownchurch (http://www.oldjamestownchurch.com/).
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