Fr. Robert Hart: Facebook Screenshots Speak a Thousand Words
Friday, August 26, 2022 at 03:36PM
Embryo Parson in Anglican Catholic Church, COVID-19, Culture Wars, Fr. Robert Hart, Liberal-leftism, Orthodox Anglican Church, Political Theory and Praxis, The Hart Brothers, Traditional Anglicanism

Absolutely delightful public Facebook posts from Fr. Robert Hart, a priest canonically resident in the Anglican Catholic Church, where I was received as a layman into Continuing Anglicanism but am now canoncially resident as a priest in the Orthodox Anglican Church, and in saying that I mean to cast no aspersions on the ACC.  I have fond memories of my time there, especially of my interactions with now retired bishop Denver Presley Hutchens, who would have likely ordained me a deacon if I had stayed there, and my time at St. Mary's Anglican Catholic Church in Denver.  Please do not construe the following as any kind of reflection on the ACC.

Anyway, last night I posted a blog entry containing these screenshots with commentary, but since Fr. Hart complained to me that my commentary was both "sinful" and libelous (which it wasn't), in order to "repent" of my "sin" and assuage his petulant indignation I have decided to take down that post and post here instead the  sceenshots, and let them speak for themselves without the prior commentary.  No doubt he will construe this as an admission of wrongdoing; I know his online antics too well, but I concede nothing.   So here I ask my readers just to focus on the content of the screenshots, devoid of the commentary to which he objected, and draw their own conclusions.

You know, Hart's Facebook page is public and I'm guessing has been for quite some time, so when you post what you post on a public page and you play stupid games there, expect to win stupid prizes.

By the way, if anyone thinks that Christians who are critical of Anthony Fauci are guilty of bearing false witness, he needs to read RFK Jr. on the matter.  (No "Trumpublican POS" he.)  This is the definitive work on Fauci's corruption.  He is not a good man, and the fact that Fr. Hart thinks otherwise is yet one more position he holds that is illustrative of his overall political delusion, which he shares with his two left-leaning brothers.  All three of them come down on the wrong side of almost everything, but then, that's what socialism and other forms of leftism demand.

"All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing." - O'Sullivan's First Law.  True of individuals as well.   Related musings of mine here:  Peter Hitchens on Anglicanism and Traditionalist Conservatism


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