For The Record
Sunday, August 28, 2022 at 10:02AM
Embryo Parson in Christian Resistance Theory and Praxis, Fr. Robert Hart, G3 Synod, Liberal-leftism, Political Theory and Praxis, The Hart Brothers, Traditional Anglicanism, Traditional Conservatism

Fr. Hart claims in his latest blog entry that I "apparently . . . believe that political support for the former President, of which I am incapable because of my conscience, is the new standard for both conservatism and orthodoxy."

Well, I am grateful that he used the them "apparently", for what "appears" to him is not the case at all.  I do believe, however, that traditional Anglicanism necessarily commits us to some form of traditional conservatism, and I do believe, as Rod Dreher wrote at Touchstone back in 2003, that the Democratic Party is the godless party.  However, the necessity of being a traditional conservative does not necessarily translate into support for any particular GOP politician.  There are other options for tradcons:  voting for a third-party candidate, writing in a candidate, or abstaining from voting altogether with a nostalgic glance at the throne accross the pond. 

I did vote for Trump in 2016 because the godless party's alternative was unthinkable.  I wonder who Fr. Hart voted for in that election.  I sure hope it wasn't Hilary. 

I also believe the persecution of Trump by Democrats and the Deep State during his tenure was scandalous.  However, in the next election I will likely be supporting Ron DeSantis if he runs.

So no, I do not support Trump cultism and I do not believe that supporting Trump is "the new standard for both conservatism and orthodoxy."  My sole beef with Fr. Hart is his over-the-top, vulgar rhetoric that is condemnatory of a huge swath of American voters, namely Republicans (and I would suspect Libertarians too), many if not most of whom are Christians.  "Trumpublican pieces of $#!+"; "children"; "lying pieces of trash"; "vile critters"; "morons"; "corrupt Republican voters".  

Look, I understand political anger.  I harbor a fair amount of political anger myself, but it *behooves us as priests* to try as best we can to temper that anger and control our tongues.  Hart isn't even trying.

Article originally appeared on theoldjamestownchurch (
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