Robert Yarbrough, (PhD, University of Aberdeen), professor of New Testament at Covenant Theological Seminary, summarizes and then eviscerates the argument of Neo-Anglican theologian Will Witt.
Matthew Colvin's (PhD, Cornell University) equally devastating review at The North American Anglican.
Ordination and Embodiment, Rev. Mark Perkins at Earth and Altar.
That Witt employs an oxymoronic concept of "Catholic egalitariarism" under which to categorize his argument for the un-Catholic monstrosity of the ordination of women to clerical office is a testament to how Neo-Anglicans like Witt, just like the secular and religious Left, employ the perversion of language to advance its goals. Witt is not a man of the Catholic Church in any sense of the word. In fact, he prides himself as being a "Reformation Christian." He is simply a Neo-Anglican egalitarian whose theology is inordinately influenced by modern culture and who therefore must resort to theological legerdemain in an infidelic attempt to destroy historic Christian faith and practice with respect to ordination to clerical office.
The Anglican Church in North America and Women's Ordination.
The Will Witt archive.