On the Left and the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump, etc.
Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 05:01PM
Embryo Parson in Addison Hodges Hart, Anglican Catholic Church, Culture Wars, David Bentley Hart, Fr. Robert Hart, G3 Synod, Liberal-leftism, Political Theory and Praxis, The Hart Brothers, Traditional Conservatism, Wokeness

"As the Secret Service covered him with their bodies, even putting their hands protectively over his head, as they helped him to the car, the crowd could be seen turning to the media in the back and giving them the finger. They knew. They knew who did this. The left did this. The Democrats did this. The gutter press did this. The #NeverTrumpers did this.

What did they think would happen after months and even years yelling at the top of their lungs that Trump is Hitler, that Trump will be a dictator, that Trump is an “existential threat to our democracy?” Violence was inevitable.

Just a week ago, Biden said Trump needed to be put in the “bullseye.” In 2022, he said Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the “soul of our country.”

Last November, The Washington Post ran a column that said “every conceivable measure” must be taken to stop the “end of our democracy.” It said, “When a marauder is crashing through your house, you throw everything at him—pots, pans, candlesticks …” It said the next Trump administration will be filled “with Hitler’s gauleiters.” What did they think would happen?

Go to the NeverTrump Bulwark website founded by Bill Kristol and see they are nearly constant in their shrill cries that Trump and not just Trump but you and me are out to end “Our Democracy™.” What did they think would happen?

All of this has been nonstop for years. What did these people think would happen?

Tonight, a dumb reporter asked Joe Biden if this was an “assassination attempt.” What a stupid question. What did the reporter think this was? And then poor mush-brained Biden said he did not have enough information to answer. Could Biden and his men not hear the gun shots? Could they not see the blood coursing down President Trump’s face?

What we know is that someone tried to assassinate former President Donald J. Trump. Reports are that the shooter was using a long gun from a nearby rooftop. How did the Secret Service allow that to happen? He killed at least one person, and grievously injured two others. Some nutters on the left are saying it was a hoax. It is reported that a crowd at Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood erupted in cheers when it was announced Trump had been shot. And now Democrats are saying there is no place for political violence in this country. But they did this.

We know political violence in this country comes almost exclusively from the left. Americans may have had a bad day on January 6th. A protest took place that turned into a riot. But it was a leftist who gunned down conservative lawmakers on that softball field. It was the left that burned several of our major cities. It was the left that laid siege to the White House and injured more than 100 cops. It was the left that tried to burn down a federal courthouse in Portland. It was the left that burned down a police station in Minnesota. It has been the left assaulting Jews on American streets and on college campuses. The left has promised violence and they have abundantly delivered. And they delivered today."

Chronicles Magazine, Donald Trump is a Legend

In related news, here's Fr. Robert Hart's take on the assassination attempt.  Hart is a priest canonically resident in the Anglican Catholic Church, Original Province (ACC).  As his Facebook news feed shows, his case of Trump Derangement Syndrome is off the charts.  Even his brother Addison Hodges Hart takes him to task for his latest.

The left was born in political violence.  The history of rightist violence is largely a story of resistance ("reaction") to that political violence from the left.   I wonder why Hart doesn't seem to know this, or if he does, why he doesn't seem to care. 

Oh, and regarding Hart's assertion that "actually, he was bleeding because of glass shards":

Snopes: False.

Article originally appeared on theoldjamestownchurch (http://www.oldjamestownchurch.com/).
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