Hark, He Wears The Purple!
Saturday, August 17, 2024 at 04:58PM
Embryo Parson in Anglo-Calvinism, Crypto-Puritanism, Donald Philip Veitch, English Reformation, Presbyterians With Prayer Books, Puritans, The Problem of Anglican Identity, Traditional Anglicanism

Here is pseudo-Anglican forensic bloviator Donald Philip Veitch, donning his new purple clerical shirt.  Don is the principal mover and shaker behind the creation of a new Presbyterian microscopic sect claiming to represent true Anglicanism.  To Don, a presbyter is a bishop, and bishops wear purple. Forget about the fact that this belief stands squarely against the Catholic religion of the prayer book and all of standard Anglican divinity.  To be an Anglican bishop, to be authorized to wear the purple, one must typically be consecrated by three other bishops, who were likewise consecrated.  Don was never consecrated a bishop.  Never.  His claim is both preposterous and heretical.

If you want to watch this certifiable nutburger and his fellows in action, hang out at Low Church Anglicans, Prayer Book Anglican, his public Facebook page, and his YouTube channel.

And as I've warned, if you've come to this blog as an inquirer about Anglicanism and possibly thinking about becoming an Anglican, stay far away from these guys.  They are poison.

Article originally appeared on theoldjamestownchurch (http://www.oldjamestownchurch.com/).
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