Are Icons Idols? Responding to J.I. Packer's Iconoclasm
Friday, August 23, 2024 at 12:40AM
Embryo Parson in 39 Articles, Anglo-Calvinism, Anglo-Catholicism, Calvinism, Christian Culture, Church Fathers, Church of England, Continuing Anglicanism, Crypto-Puritanism, Eastern Orthodoxy, English Reformation, Historical Theology, Holy Scripture, Homilies, Iconography, John Calvin, Presbyterians With Prayer Books, Puritans

 This video eloquently presents an absolutely devastating reply to J.I. Packer's argument against icons in his popular book "Knowing God", to Puritan iconoclasm, and to the Homily Against the Peril of Idolatry, which unfortunately wormed its way into one of the Church of England's official Formularies. Packer once referred to himself as a "neo-Puritan". Thankfully, and for good reason, the Church of England and her offspring (except for a tiny minority of jurisdictional holdouts) stopped requiring clerical subscription to the Articles of Religion, which incorporates the Homilies.  This video not only demonstrates the pathology of Calvinist iconoclasm in particular, but of Calvinism as a theological worldview.

I can't begin to tell you my thoughts on how excellent this video is. In a mere 30 minutes, this fellow summarizes the depth and fullness of the Eastern Orthodox theology on icons. It is one of the best things I've ever seen, and I plead with you to spend 30 minutes to watch it.

Article originally appeared on theoldjamestownchurch (
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