Here's One For Robert Hart . . .
Thursday, February 27, 2025 at 11:48PM
Embryo Parson in Anglican Catholic Church, Anglican Follies, Christian Culture, Continuing Anglicanism, Culture Wars, Feminism, Feminized Christianity, Fr. Calvin Robinson, Fr. Robert Hart, G3 Synod, Muscular Christianity, Patriarchy, Sophiology, The Blue Flower, The Hart Brothers, The Problem of Anglican Identity, Traditional Anglicanism, Traditional Conservatism, Wokeness

and certain others in the hopelessly benighted and confused Anglican Continuum:

While Rampell refers to the 'mental health challenges' that boys and men face in her recent Washington Post article, she fails miserably to recognize the cause of these challenges. Removing the barriers that feminists have erected—the nag sessions, the browbeating, the subversion of natural male energy and logic—will do much to restore the wellbeing of men and boys.

It will also save Western civilization. So, let the 'reign of destruction' continue.

Cheering On Trump’s Masculine ‘Reign of Destruction’ 

Time for Catholic Anglicans to man up, spiritually, theologically, culturally, politically, and civilizationally.  Time for some "creative destruction" in our churches, mirroring what needs to happen in Western culture.  Time for them to assert a bold and unyielding patriarchy.  Time for them to support the likes of Fr. Calvin Robinson.  Time for them to address the question of whether our bishops should be unmarried, unless certain matters are addressed, like if they are true heterosexual celibates or not.  Unfortunately, I think too few if any are up for it.

Article originally appeared on theoldjamestownchurch (
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