Templars Arise: Armed Christian Resistance in the Philippines

And they have ISIS in the crosshairs.
It appears that resolute Christian Filipinos (probably overwhelmingly Roman Catholic) are ready to do what a seemingly feckless government is not able to do. This in spite of restrictive gun laws in the Philippines. If you find yourself wondering how these militias are able to be so heavily armed given these laws, here's how. Verrrrry interesting.
Also interesting are the comments from UK citizens at the Daily Mail article, which are not only largely in support of the Christian Filipino militia, but are wistfully commenting on the need for citizen militias in the UK, and by logical extension all of Western Europe. And no wonder, given the fecklessness with which European liberal states are dealing with the Jihadist threat. In fact, "feckless" is too weak a word to describe the European policy. "Suicidal" is the better term.
What's more, a burgeoning rightist movement in Europe knows that, in fact, its "leadership" is committing demographic, cultural and political suicide, and that if Europe is to be saved, extraordinary measures will accordingly almost surely be needed to counter the Trojan Horse Jihad that the PTB have so blithely admitted into European lands. And as in the Philippines, restrictive European gun laws will not prevent freedom fighters from being armed if and when they so choose. Historian William Marina made a point of this in a 1983 essay he wrote for the periodical Firearms and Violence: Issues of Public Policy ("Weapons, Technology and Legitimacy: The Second Amendment in Global Perspective, in Firearms and Violence." - 417, 446. The article is available online here.) The globe is literally awash in small arms, both legal and illegal, writes Marina, and "(a)s the international arms trade increases. . . more people will obtain access to guns as governments lose control over the great number of arms being traded." (Emphasis mine.)
Marina's assessment harmonizes well with that of author and military analyst John Robb, who argues that the West is entering into a period marked by the rise of "hollow" states and, consequently, the rise of "tribes" and "resilient communities" that organize locally along ideological, cultural and/or religious lines for the purpose of self-preservation. As the liberal states of Europe become increasingly hollow and incompetent, "tribes" will rise up to either take their place or form bulwarks of internal opposition that the states will not be able to eliminate.
The comments at the Daily Mail article will of course make many a European liberal-left head explode, but that's really too bad. As one commentator who goes by the name of "Shrewsbury" says of the European liberal-left:
At this point in the dialectic, no dialogue is possible with them. They live in their own universe of lies and depravity. . . .
(Any) European urge to destroy can be slaked by allowing the European to be European, while the Muslim’s urge to destroy can never be slaked, because, to achieve any peace, he must become something other than Muslim. . . .
We may even find that the liberals’ expressions of hate toward the right become actually less intemperate . . . as they begin to sense the stirrings of the monster which they have done so much to awake, and, having cried wolf a thousand times, now find themselves confronted by a dragon; and begin to realize that all their silly ranting about how awful the Right is will be of no use if they are to be confronted by a Right which really is awful.
This didn’t have to happen, the left didn’t have work so long and so frenziedly to try to destroy us, and everything we are, and everything we have, but they did, so it will happen. It is sickening and it is tragic.
I'm not convinced that the rising European right will become "really awful", especially if it can be moderated by forces such as the Le Pen family's National Front, PEGIDA in Germany and the various groups in England that stand for English nationalism. The left will continue to demonize such groups as fascist, but as Shrewsbury implies the left has lost all credibility, and their governments all political legitimacy. The fact remains that while some quarters of the European right are fascist or neo-fascist, there are a great many "new rightists" in Europe who simply want to "be European" and aren't necessarily interested in giving power to strongmen. But if Europe's liberal states do not move now, and effectively, to undo the damage they've done, well, they can expect their citizens both to be increasingly radicalized in a rightist direction and to start arming themselves.
As the comments at the Daily Mail cause the heads of European liberal-lefties to explode, so the kind of thing I write here tends to draw negative reactions from certain quarters in the Church. First, you have the Christian pacifists. They can be summarily dismissed, however, for reasons I have set forth here in other articles mainly having to do with the fact that Christianity has never been a pacifist religion.
Then there are what I call the "pietist/quietists", very spiritual and gentle folk among whom many Anglicans are numbered, but not pacifists per se, whose brows knit at reading arguments like those I post here about the legitimacy of armed resistance, etc. I would enjoin those folks simply to wake up, take note of orthodox Christian theology and Church history, stop wringing their hands like dispensationalists about the supposed inevitability of persecution, and join me in that call to arms. Christian civilization has been taking up arms against Islamic imperialism for almost a millennium and a half, and that war is far from over. Christians are taking up arms against the Jihad in the Middle East, Africa and the Phillipines. They have been forced to do so because of their proximity to Muslim lands. Not all Muslims are Jihadists, but wherever the Ummah is, there is the Jihad. Thanks to the idiotic policies of the liberal states of Western Europe and the Anglosphere, the Ummah is now entrenched there and, predictably, the Jihadis have begun to spill blood. A day may soon come when Christians in the West will have to rely on themselves instead of the state in the matter of self-preservation, and take up arms just as the their brethren in the Middle East, Africa and the Philippines have done. The time for preparation is now.
Deus vult.

Reader Comments (2)
In the US we have our own peculiar problem with Jihadists and it's centered around the Muslim who occupies the White House. Any of the Republicans currently jousting for the presidency would be a great improvement but my personal choice is Trump followed by Cruz and Christie. It's paramount that we defeat the Hildebeast and Bernie the Bolshevik. We must stop immigration legal or otherwise from non-Europen countries before those of us who descend from European Christians are a minority in our own land. A Christian Kinist movement is what we need before it's too late.
Islam delenda est!
I agree that it's time to throw the leftists out on their ear. It will be interesting to see how the GOP race shapes up. I lean heavily toward Cruz myself, but a part of me believes that whoever is elected will let us down. I suspect both the US and Western Europe will soon move past conventional electoral politics.
On one level "kinism" troubles me because of our faith's emphasis on racial universality, but on a fundamental level Pat Buchanan's material on ethno-nationalism -- or the return of "tribalism" if you will -- makes a lot of sense. It makes sense from a Christian point of view because even though universal the Church manifests itself on earth as ecclesial communities that exist in particular nations and cultures. To argue that it shouldn't borders on a type of gnosticism.
That issue aside, it was a fatal mistake to admit the *religion* of Islam into the West, for the reasons I've mentioned.