A Comment From A Priest. . .

on the article by Emily McGowin referenced below:
I read the article by Emily McGowin. The diocese she is in is run by Todd Hunter. Bishop Hunter is a product of the Vineyard/Calvary Chapel movement. He was received into AMiA in 2008 and made a Bishop in 2009. He came into the ACNA in 2012. His understanding of Anglicanism is nil. I watched an interview he gave around the time AMiA made him a Bishop. He freely admitted to not understanding the sacraments. One comment that stands out was how he still did not understand the need of confirmation. (He was a priest at the time). The AMiA parish in which I watched this interview with AMiA clergy and laity was then called Holy Trinity in Pensacola, Florida. It is now called The Mission. I was newly priested and the only one to vocally challenge the thought of letting this man be in charge of anything in the Church. Some of his other theology was also terrifying. So her theological ignorance, maybe willful ignorance, is honestly arrived at due to her theological "father". In the article Ms. McGowin takes partial quotes attributed to St Gregory of Nazianzus (she gives a very vague reference hard to research), Eph. 5:22, and Galatians. She confuses salvation with function and makes great leaps in logic and reason. How she did not hurt herself in the strain is amazing. For full disclosure I am a priest in the ACNA, the REC in particular. The level of theology shown by McGowin is typical of the ACNA. I second Fr. Little, if you have a choice between the ACNA and the Continuing Churches in your location, go with the Continuing. I fear the ACNA due to the embrace of non Anglican and in some cases non Christian theology is becoming white washed sepulchres. And for that I grieve.
While I cannot confirm all the specifics in this assessment, it is true that Bishop Hunter was received into the AMiA in 2008, made a bishop in 2009 (!), left AMiA for ACNA in 2012 and is representative of all that is wrong in the Anglican Realignment. The Diocese of the Churches for the Sake of Others (C4sO) is apparently named after a "ministry" he created before he was received into the AMiA ("Church for the Sake of Others"). It all speaks volumes.
So this deacon/"scholar" from C4sO simply advances all this pathology in her article today at Anglican Pastor.
Like I said, steer clear.
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