A Neo-Anglican Priest Writes on His Facebook Page. . .

"Have you ever took (sic) the time to consider that it was the most theologically conservative believers in the New Testament that were the ones who attempted to demand adherence to the Law? Perhaps fearful of not only innovation, but more importantly a Jesus centered/focused/oriented life where the Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament and its perceived positions on things like "justified" violence, etc, lose authority in light of the Gospel.
Words fail, almost. And yes, this is the same Neo-Anglican priest who is the subject of a number of posts here.
This priest left the Catholic soundness of the Anglican Continuum for the pottage of the muddled "Convergence" movement. He's not sure whether to be Anglican, Protestant, Charismatic or Radical. All these things are jumbled in his mind. He thinks there can be some sort of synthesis, a sign of profound mental and theological confusion. And the end of it, for him, is some sort of political liberalism.
This priest's confusion is evident here when he suggests that "justified violence" is a relic of the "Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament" (is there a distinction?). I wonder what he does with Romans 13:1-7 and the "justified violence" St. Paul embraces there. This passage is not only applicable to how we as Christians should view St. Augustine's Just War theory, which is regnant in the West and more or less accepted with qualifications in the East, but to Christian Resistance Theory. Justified violence in the Christian mind is Catholic. Pacifism is not. If that makes us conservative, so be it. His alternative is unthinkable from a Catholic point of view.
Anglican Theologian Writes In Defense of the Just War Doctrine

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