David Virtue's Irrational Hoplophobia - Part 2 in a Series

n. Irrational, morbid fear of guns (coined by Col. Jeff Cooper, from the Greek "hoplites," weapon). May cause sweating, faintness, discomfort, rapid pulse, nausea, sleeplessness, more, at mere thought of guns. Hoplophobes are common and should never be involved in setting gun policies. Point out hoplophobic behavior when noticed, it is dangerous, sufferers deserve pity, and should seek treatment. When confronted, hoplophobes typically go into denial, a common characteristic of the affliction. Often helped by training, or by coaching at a range, a process known to psychiatry as "desensitization," often useful in treating many phobias.
Also: Hoplophobe, hoplophobic. -
The person had hoplophobia and passed out at the mere sight of a gun." - Urban Dictionary
This definition from the Urban Dictionary, while clearly somewhat ideological and hyperbolic, nevertheless hits the mark, and it especially hits the mark with respect to the rants of "Dr." David Virtue (his doctorate is an honorary doctorate, not an earned one), a recent Baptist and now Anglican who hails from the People's Republic of New Zealand.
Read here for a summary of a recent report of mine with respect to his latest rants.
I have good reason to believe that David has seen that blog post below and my comment challenging him to reply here publicly. He's apparently not having any.
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