Meet Canadian "Never Trumper" Low Churchers Rev. Matthew Byers and His Mom

UPDATE: Rev. Byers has apparently either made his Facebook page private or has deactivated it, so his "Only The Truth" podcasts are no longer visible, except to his friends if he has gone private.
If you have the stomach for 43 minutes of illogic, oversimplication and fact twisting regarding POTUS 47, you can view it here. It is teeth-grindingly bad, with formal logical fallacies committed about every 30 seconds, and he and his mom going off like cosmic bunnies in all directions. Painful stuff, but I enjoin you to spend the time, as it provides the context of what I will say below. Pay special attention to Byers' interaction with Mark Sanders.
I've engaged Byers before on matters theological. He is a Low Churcher, but unfortunately the kind of Low Churcher who calls Anglo-Catholics like me, "Romanists", "papists", "idolaters" and the like. In other words, the kind of half-educated Low Churcher who can't sustain an argument against Anglo-Catholics, and who therefore, liberal-like, resorts to name-calling when he sees he is losing.
Anyway, I exchanged a few comments with Rev. Byers at this dog of a podcast. He deleted them and then summarily blocked me.
But not before I got screenshots. (*Always* get screeshots.)
That was the last comment I was able to make. As mentioned above, Byers deleted this exchange and then blocked me. Which created a bit of a problem for him, by the way, since I an an Admin at a Facebook discussion group where he is a member. Blocking the Admin is always a no-no. I gave him 24 hours to either unblock me or get booted from the group.
Anyway, look at the progression of Byers argument in our exchange: I said, essentially, that he and his mother are grossly oversimplifying the matter. His response: "Trump is your master and you're just a Romanist meany who likes to attack Protestants." I then explain to him that I'm not a "Romanist", but rather quite Orthodox in my Anglo-Catholic theology, and that I have directed the same sort of criticism at TDSer Robert Hart, who is a fellow Anglo-Catholic priest.
And that was that. Off I was sent. Byers didn't want to be embarrassed at his own page, I guess. However, if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
Or in the alternative, cancel your critics.
The Robert Hart archive.
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