Is Fr. Patrick J. Schlabs Taking a Shot at Fr. Calvin Robinson?

I was ordained a deacon with Fr. Schlabs back in 2014 when we were both in AMiA. He would go on to ACNA and become the "Canon for Cultural Engagement" in the ACNA's Diocese of South Carolina, and I would go on to serve as a healthcare chaplain and a priest in the Anglican Continuum.
I don't know quite what to make of Canon Schlabs' comment here, but on the face of it, it does appear that he's taking a shot at Fr. Calvin Robinson, who is a priest canonically resident in the Nordic Catholic Church, but whose DNA is Anglican of the Catholic variety. And it must be noted that it was principals in the Anglican Diocese of South Carlolina, where Schlabs is canonically resident, who "cancelled" Fr. Robinson at the Mere Anglican Conference in 2024. Those folks recieved a lot of deserved flak for their behavior towards Fr. Robinson, and that gives me reason to think that Fr. Schlabs is exhibiting some bad blood here.
But I could be wrong. Maybe he'll chime in and explain. If he does, I will delete this post.
More likely he won't, however. And if he doesn't, well, all I can say is that his behavior is petty.
A fellow Continuing priest put it this way in response to this screen capture: "Imagine being a canon for cultural engagement and managing to insult that many cultures in one post".

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