Preposterous Presbyterians with Prayerbooks Pontificating about Other Presbyterians

This is the latest from Jameson Overton, one of the pseudo-Anglican nutburgers who frequent Low Church Anglicans and other online fora of theological ill repute. Overton was recently ordained a priest - uh, sorry, a "presbyter" - in the Reformed Episcopal Church. I've had the distinct displeasure of bantering with him on a number of occasions, mainly at Prayer Book Anglican, but this afternoon he blocked me at Low Church Anglicans simply because I laughed at his post, linked below, with an emoji. (Touchy, touchy, son, and I can still see you.)
Anyway, he was bloviating about noted Presbyterian theologian, author and blogger Doug Wilson. If you're a trad conservative and don't read Wilson, you should. He's one of the best out there. Here's Overton:
"Doug Wilson is being platformed by conservative reactionaries who are more interested in having a society full of white-washed tombs than in seeing sinners come to life in Christ.
Here is a post from another group. I am sharing it here to show why, despite him being a "conservative", he is a heretic who does not know the gospel. We should pray for his repentance, not only for his own soul, but also for the many souls he leads down to their eternal deaths."
The shrill tone and mindless verbiage say it all with respect to Mr. Overton's mentality, if we can even call it that since there's clearly little if anything "mental" going on in his cranium, but read the rest of his post if you have the stomach for it. Essentially, he hates Wilson because he is one of those "heretical" Federal Vision (FV) Presbyterians, you know, the ones who actually do have some appreciation for the Catholic Faith. He posts a pic of Wilson in hell:
Well isn't that special?
As I've written here before, if you're just starting out investigating Anglicanism, trust me as a *pastor* when I tell you to stay away from these guys. They are toxic and demonic, their ostensible love of Christ notwithstanding, and they have perverted the Biblical and Apostolic faith. That is precisely why they hate FV.
Mr. Jameson Overton:

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