Reading Is Important, "Bishop" Veitch

Presbyterian with Prayer Book and self-proclaimed "bishop" Don Veitch posted something at Low Church Anglican (LCA) mocking the death of retired Presiding Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church, Leonard Riches. A godly man and bishop. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.
Veitch's reprehensibility is off the charts. No matter. He is a Calvinist and considers himself one of the elect, so in the final analysis his sins don't matter.
In a comment, Veitch posted something to the effect that he was considering crashing Riches' funeral, held today. Veitch hates Riches along with most REC clergy for their move away from crypto-puritanism toward High Church/Anglo-Catholic churchmanship. Now, he clearly wasn't serious, though he was seemingly egged on by one Aaron "Erastus" Long, newly-minted bishop of something called the Evangelical and Reformed Synod, which is another group of essentially presbyterian interlopers who claim to be Anglican:
Even though, as I shall make clear below, it was pretty clear that Veitch wasn't serious, I gave a heads up to the Riches family about this comment just in case. Veitch got wind from one of his informers of something I posted at a group where I serve as an Admin, Prayer Book Anglican, Orthodox, and Roman Christians (PBAORC). Here's what he posted today at LCA about it:
Now, I had previously written this at PBAORC:
"I highly doubt Bishopresbyter Veitch is serious about attending Riches' funeral, but someone should probably advise the family about what he's bloviating publicly. If it were my family, we'd 'handle' him if he showed up."
I wrote the same thing about the low probability of Veitch's attendance in an email to Fr. Jonahthan Riches, the son of Bishop Riches:
"Hello. You may or not be aware of this, but Veitch is making noises like he's going to crash you dad's funeral. I doubt he's serious, but I thought the family should be apprised.
Fr. Christopher C Little"
to which he replied,
"Thank you very much. There will be well over 200 people there it seems and I am sure if he shows up someone will take of it.
So, though my comment at PBAORC clearly shows that I believed Veitch wasn't serious, something I repeated to Fr. Riches, Veith irrationally concludes that I told him that he was "probably attending Riches' funeral."
But then again, this is Donald Philip Veitch, so no surprises really. Here he is wearing a purple shirt, pretending to be a bishop. He has never been consecrated a bishop in accordance with the Ordinal of the BCP and standard episcopal practice. He just named himself one, that's all. The guy is a consummate kook, and it shows in this photo.

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