Bishop Charles Nalls on Mariann Budde

"There are more than enough memes of the irascible wokeista at the cathedral so that I am not going to post its picture or guess as to pronoun. I will offer a couple of thoughts, then I won’t comment further as i am quite done with the tiresome attacks by cultists who think the bishop person who ruined the prayers earlier this week is an earthly paragon.
Having finally left ECUSA (or PECUSA, TEC or whatever) in 1990, don’t know why this has surprised so many people. This nonsense has been “normative” in that body for years, especially in the Diocese of Washington. Indeed, one previous bishop person in DC (John Chaine) in an Easter “homily” called the Resurrection of Jesus Christ “speculative at best”. That should set the stage and one’s teeth on edge.
When, following the heresy trial of Walter Righter the E-church determined “not guilty” by reason that it had no core doctrine, it ceased to be a Christian entity. In fact, their General Convention could not pass a resolution to affirm the Nicene Creed. (The notion that it was privileged to vote on such a thing is a bit ridiculous.). Anything after (e.g. homosexual marriage of its bishop persons, pagan clergy in the Diocese of Pennsylvania, Moslem candidates for ecclesiastical office, and other little novelties) is a mere symptom.
My own little parish saw this on the horizon in 1974, left, got sued out of its property and moved on to build another church. The “continuing churches” left in 1978, were sued out of their churches, and moved on in like fashion. Most recently, the various dioceses and parishes who had fought through years of brutal litigation are moving forward in ACNA. Many left for the Catholic Church or Orthodoxy along the way.
This all has been the subject of endless renvoi in the pages of The Christian Challenge, Forward in Christ, Virtue Online and other print and electronic media. I confess that, after years in the “fight”, I just do not read this stuff anymore. After all, plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
The fury of the heretic has been known for two millennia. It has been manifest in this case for more than half a century, particularly in church lawfare. There has been absolutely no attempt by the revisionists to hide their agenda or their contempt for traditional, actual Christians. Indeed, they have, inter alia, celebrated this “diversity” with rainbow flags and liturgies for the churching of women after abortions to name two. This is precisely what the bishop person of Washington was about when shim delivered its tirade. (Egad, I am up on gender neutrality today.)
We can continue to point at this lunacy and raise the voice of outrage. It will come to naught, as these folks are inured to the Gospel much less any criticism from other folk. The President’s staff, with even a modicum of discernment, should have anticipated this malarkey and avoided the carnival of apostasy that, sadly, the National Cathedral has become. Enough said. Looking back is unavailing, just ask Mrs. Lot. Shall we now go forward with Christ and be about our Father’s business?"

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